Trending News|January 15, 2014 11:51 EST
Devil Baby Prank Scares New Yorkers as Viral Marketing for Devil's Due is a Success (VIDEO)
The makers of new horror film Devil's Due thought it would be a great marketing tool to hit the streets of New York City with none other then a demon baby to promote their new film.
A viral video of the prank racked up more than 4.8 million views in one day, and showed a demonized looking infant known as the "devil baby" frightening gullible New Yorkers.
Traveling around town in a remote controlled stroller, the seemingly crying devil baby would pop up unexpectedly to scream, vomit, growl, and give the finger, as innocent bystanders approached the unattended carriage.
The shock sent even the most tolerant bystanders into screeches of terror.
(Warning the video has some adult content viewers be advised.)
Devil's Due, out on January 17, stars Allison Miller, Zach Gilford, and Sam Anderson and is directed by Eli Roth.
The movie plot is about a newly wed couple dealing with an earlier-than-planned pregnancy. As the months pass, the wife begins behaving oddly. An extrovert by nature, she turned into an introvert with an unquenchable hunger to eat raw meat stolen from a grocery store, and carcasses in the woods. The husband eventually finds out that his wife will be the first among the select few to bear the child of Satan, marking the start of the end of the world.
Devil Baby Attack Prank