'Destiny' PlayStation & Xbox Update: Game to Receive Changes Based Off Gamer Concerns

The Bungie-developed first-person shooter video game Destiny is not perfect by any stretch, but given all the things it still needs to work on, it is not without fans. Recently, Bungie made a series of moves to address fan concerns regarding their first new franchise since the Halo series.

Recently, Express UK reported that Update 1.1.1 is still on schedule to be launched by the end of the month. According to Bungie community manager David Dague, along with the heavy ammo bug fix and weapon tuning, fans will also be getting their hands on a new feature that allows players to check their reputations via an in-game panel.

Design Lead for the User Interface Team at Bungie, David Candland, explained what the feature would mean for Destiny fans.

"We've created a way for you to see your faction reputations and weekly marks without having to run from vendor to vendor in the Tower. Now this information is never more than two clicks away," Candland said.

Adding, "Since reputation really affects your buying power, it made sense to put it in close proximity to your currencies. The inventory screen real estate is pretty full, so using the fly-out convention we established in the settings screen was a way to recoup some space, yet still allow tooltips for another layer of detail."

Another element of Destiny fans have found wanting was its story and lore. Bungie, it appears, will also be taking care of that, as reported by Forbes.

John Ryan, a writer for Guild Wars 2, confirmed on Twitter that he would now serve as Bungie's editor/loremaster for Destiny.

While it is still unclear how Ryan's role in the game will translate, with the game's "lore" limited in the form of Grimoire cards, the development should still bode well for Destiny's development moving forward.