'Destiny House of Wolves' Expansion News: DLC of DHW Released, Includes Latest Update

Earlier this week, Bungie released the Destiny House of Wolves expansion pack, which players could download and begin playing immediately. They also activated the update which includes several changes for all players.

Some of these changes include and added new Daily Reward package that players will receive upon completion of the first game in the Daily Featured Crucible playlist.

There will also be added Passage Coins that will reward streams across all playlists as well as the Daily reward package.

Other changes include the fact that the Crucible Mark drop rate has increased across all playlists by 100% and the Crucible Reputation earnings across all playlists have increased by 20%.

The Rare Weapons and Gear drop chances on the game have also increased across all playlists by 100%.

In addition, Legendary Weapon drops into the Crucible rewards stream across all playlists have been added, and Dark Below maps have been added into all Crucible playlists for all players to enjoy as well.

In terms of the Iron Banner, the power curve has been adjusted to fit the competitive range of power in House of Wolves, and there have been six additional Iron Banner bounties added to the bounty rotation.

An errant buff from the Iron Banner Control playlist was removed, and players will now have access to Etheric Light at Ranks 3 and 5 in Iron Banner.

In Tower, commendations are no longer required to purchase gear, and they can now be converted to receive +250 gains in Vanguard Crucible or Faction reputation.

Technical changes such as fixes to specific player networking problems and issues with the user interface have also been fixed.