Denzel Washington Turns Preacher at Dillard University; Actor Shares His Christian Faith With Hundreds During Graduation Speech [VIDEO]

Denzel Washington

Hollywood star Denzel Washington is known for his major roles in "Glory," "The Preacher's Wife," "Remember the Titans" and "Training Day," but the actor sounded more like a pastor at Dillard University's recent gradation as he shared with hundreds that "God" should be first.

Washington is the son of a Pentecostal preacher and has not shied away from his Christian faith despite his mainstream career. Many may not know of his faith but he has publicly said that he reads the Bible each day.

Washington began his speech with the passionate quote "Put God First!" He held everyone's attention as he spoke of his initial habit to take all the glory for what he's achieved until his mom told him it was because he was always covered in prayer.

"I've been protected. I've been directed. I've been corrected. I've kept God in my life, and He's kept me humble," he told graduates, "I didn't always stick with [God], but He stuck with me. So stick with Him in everything you do."

"Everything you think you see in me, everything that I've accomplished, everything that you think I have-and I have a few things-everything I have is by the grace of God. Understand that. It's a gift," he continued.

He went on to share some valuable lessons he learned in life about hard work and material goods.

"You'll never see a U-Haul behind a hearse," he proclaimed, "I don't care how much money you make. You can't take it with you."

He concluded his powerful speech with a quote he often shares with others.

"I pray that you put your slippers way under the bed tonight, so that when you get up in the morning, and you have to get on your knees to reach them," Washington shared, "And while you're down there, say thank you. Thank you for grace, thank you for mercy, thank you for understanding, thank you for wisdom, thank you for parents, thank you for love, thank you for kindness, thank you for humility, thank you for peace, thank you for prosperity. Say thank you in advance for what's already yours."

"True desire in the heart for anything good is God's proof to you to sent before hand to indicate that it's yours already," Washington concluded, "When you get it, reach back [and] pull someone else up. Each one, teach one. Don't just aspire to make a living. Aspire to make a difference."

Watch his full speech below: