Denise Richards & Charlie Sheen News: Twitter War Erupts on Father's Day

Just when everybody thought that things are going to get worse between former married couple Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards after Sheen's recent series of posts on his social media bashing on his ex-wife with whom he shares two children with, Richards goes out and takes the brighter side of things.

After Sheen surprised everyone with his Father's Day rant on Twitter mentioning his ex-wife, Richards in some vulgar and very hateful message, Richards came back and just ignored her ex-husband's hate tweet as she recently commented on her friend's post on Twitter.

Leeza Gibbons, who Richards follows on Twitter recently posted "Negative people have a problem for every solution. Ignore them if you can," along with the photo showing a quote that read "The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will become."

After her tweet, Richards commented, "Yup ain't that the truth." Which several have noticed and speculated to be directly connected to the recent social media war that she was forced to be in to since Sheen was very angry with her basing from his rants.

Sheen on Father's day wrote, "Brooke M is a [risque] rok star whom I adore D Richards a heretic washed up piglet Shame pile Happy Father's Day!!!" the post is now deleted but thousands have already seen it and were quite surprised.

Richards, probably not affected with Sheen's rants, still gave honor to his ex-husband since he is the father of her two kids writing, "Happy Dad's Day! @CharlieSheen have a great trip in Mexico. Kids were disappointed u weren't here for it-Hey we'll celebrate when u r back!" on Twitter.

It is still unknown however why Sheen posted his Father's day Twitter rant against his ex-wife including another hate message which he wrote saying, "I have paid that Klay-Vinnik leaky diaper over 30 Mil and she calls me a [deadbeat dad]!" he wrote. "See u in court you evil terrorist sack of landfill [trash]. b***h couldn't act hot in a fire or wet in a pool," he added.