Trending News|March 20, 2015 09:19 EDT
'Deadpool' Cast News: T.J. Miller Tweets Hints about his Character in the Movie
Fox's 'Deadpool' movie is certainly one of the most anticipated superhero films for the year of 2016, and although the project is already in production, there's still a lot that we don't know, including many of the announced actor's roles.
Actor T.J. Miller was one of the first names attached to the movie and although he's been doing a good job to keeping spoilers about his character under wraps, in a recent tweet he may have given fans all they need to know.
In response to the tweet:
"?@ccstandup ?@nottjmiller Memories of when you were thin."
Miller says:
".?@BeetleBench ?@ccstandup It wouldn't be that I am so motherf***ing method that ?@RealErlich is a tub of arrogance but ?#Deadpool ?#WeaselThin"
His last hashtag hints toward the character Weasel, a friend of Wade Wilson's Deadpool in the comics.
According to Wikipedia:
"Weasel is perhaps Deadpool's best friend. However, because of his frequent mood swings and tenuous mental state, Deadpool still often abuses or mistreats him, although Weasel has also displayed an opportunistic streak against his friend on occasion."
If this is indeed true the actor's comedic background makes him a perfect candidate for this character.
'Deadpool' is slated to release in theaters on Feb. 12, 2016.