'Deadpool' News: Producer Says Movie was Rated a 'Hard R'

Actor Ryan Reynolds had fans all in a frenzy earlier this year when he announced his highly anticipated 'Deadpool' film would be rated PG-13, which would consequently suck the raw and gorey feel right out of the beloved character.

He has since revealed to audiences that the film will in fact be rated R in a comedic April Fools video, relieving fans everywhere.

"Reynolds is channeling his character-the libertine, sarcastic motormouth Wade Wilson a.k.a. Deadpool-but he's also speaking from the heart. The actor has wanted to play Marvel's baddest boy for more than a decade. He appeared as a sanitized version of the role in 2009's X-Men Origins: Wolverine (two years before his starring turn in the ill-fated Green Lantern), but this project aims to mimic the comic's violent, obscene, spicy, funny, fourth-wall-breaking tone, and to let Reynolds and company push the film (out Feb. 12) way past PG-13," writes EW.

While we finally know that the film will be rated R, fans now have to question just how rated R will 'Deadpool' be? As readers of the comics know, the material can get quite carried away in its graphic depictions.

"Deadpool is a hard R," says producer Simon Kinberg. "It's graphic. Nothing is taboo. You either commit to a truly outrageous boundary-pushing kind of movie or you don't."

Director Tim Miller also offered a very interesting comparison with the 'Fight Club' movie.

"I felt Fight Club and Tyler Durden were good corollaries," he says. "We are in strip clubs and dive bars and crappy apartments and far away from the shiny X-Men world."

This will be something very interesting to see, as the X-Men universe will be in some way connected with this movie.

'Deadpool' plans to release on February 12, 2016.