'Deadpool' News: Official Trailer Finally Released [VIDEO]

Fox kept their promise to fans on Tuesday and unleashed the full length 'Deadpool' trailer for the whole world to enjoy.

It was previously screened at San Diego's Comic-Con, and while a leak did make it to the internet, the studio opted to wait a couple weeks to fine-tune a couple of things. It's safe to assume that fans thought it was worth the wait, as it has been received incredibly well so far.

Director Tim Miller recently spoke with Empire Magazine to touch on a lot of aspects concerning the upcoming adaptation. In this he brings light to the kind of character Deadpool is in the comics versus the movie, the 'Green Lantern' jokes, and how he expects non-comic book audiences to receive it:

"[The line 'don't give me a green suit'] got a good laugh at Comic-Con. For the most part, we try to stick to the rule that Wade Wilson can't break the fourth wall. He's not aware that he's in a movie. Deadpool is. He only breaks the fourth wall when he's Deadpool. So we're tiptoeing on the edge of breaking our own rule there, because he's still Wade at that point. We shot a few more Green Lantern jokes, but I'm not sure how many will survive the cut. Ryan definitely had some Green Lantern issues to work out. We had about a minute's worth of dialogue between him and Colossus where he talks about it, like, 'So a guy comes with a thousand-dollar suit and says, "We want you to play a superhero," but there's no script yet and the release date is completely unmakeable...' He goes on this whole anti-Green Lantern run, but I'm not sure it'll stay in, because probably not even half the people in the theatres will get those jokes. You can't only play to the comic fans. He's spouting weird s**t all the time, and if you don't pick up on every joke, that's fine. But you can't leave everybody behind all the time. Any joke that an audience needs to look up on the internet after the movie is not something I'm in favour of. But that scene's one for the DVD extras, for sure."

Fans will get to see 'Deadpool' in all his glory on February 12, 2016. Watch the Official 'Deadpool' Trailer here.