Trending News|March 04, 2015 09:24 EST
'Deadpool' Movie News, Rumors: Hugh Jackman to Cameo as Wolverine in Upcoming Marvel Film
Marvel's character Deadpool made his first appearance in the X-Men film 'X-Men Origins: Wolverine', and although many fans were disappointed with how the character was represented, it has been announced that the character will get his own solo film.
In a recent interview with MTV, Hugh Jackman stated that he'd be open to a Wolverine cameo in 'Deadpool'.
Jackman starts off with complimenting Reynold's on his portrayal of Deadpool and stating that he'll "nail it."
"They are definitely enemies in the comics and they always spark off well together so I'd be open to that idea."
Jackman goes on to admit that the character was underutilized in the X-Men film, and that the film is only going into production because of the fans and test footage leak.
"While Fox may be spending less on Deadpool than your average modern Marvel movie budget, they're undoubtedly banking on the character for the long-term. The plan is for 2-3 Marvel movies per year going forward from Fox and the studio is aiming to find more bankable leads to help share the Hugh Jackman spotlight going into the future - hence the solo movies for Reynolds' Deadpool and Channing Tatum's Gambit, both of whom will eventually be folded into the core X-Men team-up films," writes Screen Rant.
Wolverine and Deadpool have had some great history in the comics, and it would be all too fun for fans to see both Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds on screen together again. If not that, the character should definitely be making cameos in various X-Men titles.
'Deadpool' hits theaters on February 12th, 2016.