'Deadpool' Movie Cast News: Ryan Reynolds Reveals First Photo of Himself in Costume

Actor Ryan Reynolds has just released the first photo of himself in the Deadpool costume in his uniquely humorous way.

Reynolds recently tweeted the picture and featured him laying down on a fur rug, next to a fireplace, in a slightly provocative way.

"With great power, comes great irresponsibility. ?#deadpool ?#officialsuit ?@deadpoolmovie," he tweets with the picture.

He then follows with, "No bears were harmed in the making of this photo. Though many bears likely turned on."

Its a great nod toward the development of the movie because so far we've only witnessed Deadpool in CG from the leaked test footage of last year.

"The costume isn't entirely different from the one we saw in the proof-of-concept video that 'leaked' online last year, which was created by Miller to show how Deadpool would work onscreen. That iteration of the Merc with a Mouth was seemingly produced via CG, but this new Deadpool image shows that Reynolds is indeed donning a physical costume for the film-with maybe a little help from CG in the eyeball department," writes Collider.

The film is set to release in less than a year now on February 12th, 2016.