BC News|October 23, 2014 08:20 EDT
DC Talk Reunion? 'The 3 Amigos' Reunite at TobyMac's 50th Birthday Bash
Born October 22, 1964, Christian music pioneer TobyMac celebrated his 50th birthday yesterday and had a little help from DC Talk pals Kevin Max and Michael Tait.
However, there is only one bit of evidence to the reunion, a photo posted on Kevin Max's page (seen above). "3 amigos at Toby Mac's 50th Birthday party- it was an amazing evening with old friends & close family," wrote Max.
Earlier in the day he wrote another special message for Toby, "Happy Birthday to the Rap, of Rap, Rock and Soul TobyMac"¦ cue track. "¦" and then posted a cover of the Beatles' "Happy Birthday."
Some fans may be scratching their heads in amazement at the fact Toby is 50 because of his ability to create music that fits perfectly with what is currently popular - not to mention his intense and youthful live performances.
To get an idea of just how long Toby has been in Christian music, take a trip back to 1987 when DC Talk began at Liberty University in Virginia. The rap/gospel trio would evolve into the most overtly Christian act of all time creating records that bridged the gap between rap, gospel, r&b, dance, pop, rock, and even grunge.

Now flash forward to 2014, and Toby has been a solo artist since 2000, and combined has sold over 10 million records.
Kevin Max has had a successful solo career as well, and most recently was the lead singer of the reunited Audio Adrenaline for a couple of years.
Michael Tait is of course the lead singer of Newsboys ever since longtime frontman Peter Furler stepped down in 2011.
TobyMac will be releasing his Eye On It remix album, Eye'M All Mixed Up on November 4. Read our review of it here.
Happy Birthday TobyMac, here is to another 50 years!