DC & Marvel Movie News: Actor Matthew McConaughey Interested in Taking on Superhero Role

It is no secret in Hollywood that superhero roles in movies are currently a goldmine, and there are a bunch of actors looking to get a slice of the pie.

Among these actors is the very much established Matthew McConaughey. In a recent interview with Variety, he states his interest in joining one of the major franchises, however he hasn't yet found a character or script he is confident with yet.

"I've read some Marvel and DC scripts and I've talked about working with them on some scripts, none of which I'll share with with you what they are - or were," McConaughey states, "Yeah, I've circled some of those. Nothing has been right for me yet. But I'm sure open to it."

Apparently McConaughey isn't picky about which property he falls into, but as to what he's currenty being very particular about what the script looks like.

"It's very simple for me. I look at the script. Is the opportunity exciting? Is the money that comes with it exciting? Sure."

As with the allure of joining one of these major franchises, there are actors that turn down the opportunity due to the many years of commitment that follow. McConaughey comments on how he's also taking this into consideration.

"Contractually, you're going to return to the character over and over. It's something I asked myself is it something I'd want to return to. Would I be excited to go back and put the shoes on the character again? Going and doing the press tour with that group of people again? I always ask myself those questions again. It starts with the story and character."

As of right now there is no news on the actor being tapped for any major characters.