Trending News|March 25, 2015 01:15 EDT
'Daredevil' Series News, Spoilers: Actor Scott Glenn Says TV Show will be 'Stunt Heavy' [VIDEO]
Everyone is in high anticipation for Marvel's big move to Netflix with the entry of 'Daredevil', and although we've all gotten a sample of what we can expect, a statement from actor Scott Glenn would suggest we're in for more action then originally planned.
For those that may not know, Glenn plays the character Stick in the series, essentially Matt Murdock's sensei, the one who teaches him how to become proficient and fight while blind.
In a recent interview with IGN on the show he makes a rather bold statement claiming Daredevil to be "the most stunt heavy TV series ever shot," he states:
"Daredevil is probably the most stunt-heavy TV series ever shot and my character is on the high-volume side of that. The trick for me was being able to incorporate action that was really on the edge of Hong Kong Bruce Lee stuff. I was drawing on the many lessons I've learned during my life. ...Filipino Martial Arts, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu."
It's unclear if the actor is just tooting his own horn so to speak or if this show is that great of a spectacle.
We'll all just have to pay witness when the series releases on April 10th.