'Daredevil' Cast News: Jason Statham Opts Out of Bullseye Role Due to Casting Leak

While it was very recently rumored that 'Furious 7' actor Jason Statham was in deep negotiations to play the titular role of Bullseye in the next season of Netflix's 'Daredevil' series, it has now been suggested that the deal has gone sour due to the early leak.

This hasn't been confirmed by either party, but it is now act that Statham is no longer attached to appear in the series. Bloody Disgusting has heavily linked this to Latino-Review's report.

"Long story short? He was legitimately in heavy negotiations for the role and the leak killed it. Perhaps his agent saw the positive uproar and instantly upped the actor's asking fee? Perhaps the studio spotted the same excited reaction and preemptively killed the deal out of fear of Statham's management going for more money? Who knows. The bottom line is that yesterday the Crank star was at the top of the list and deep in negotiations and today Marvel has moved on to other pastures," writes Bloody Disgusting.

This statement does bring up a good point on how social media and news outlets affect big properties like this. A similar situation happened with Marvel's 'Doctor Strange' project when Joaquin Phoenix's name got attached to play the lead. He was subsequently dropped because of the early speculation that followed.

While fans of the franchise may be disappointed or unbothered by Statham's dropping out, it is still well confirmed that Bullseye will appear in season two, along with Elektra. Casting information on both should follow in later months.

"Daredevil begins production on its second season at the end of next month. Casting will continue to move quickly and I have no doubt that Marvel has already begun serious talks with other potential Bullseyes. Once again, we should expect casting for our favorite antagonistic Marvel assassin within the next month, along with other popular characters entering the fray as well," writes Bloody Disgusting.