Trending News|March 24, 2015 09:21 EDT
'Crash Ryan' New Movie News: Marvel Comic Series to Receive Live Action Film Adaptation
New developments are moving forward in adapting yet another Marvel comics series to the big screen, although this time it won't be a superhero series.
Producer Ryan Heppe has recently acquired the rights to 'Crash Ryan', a 1984 comic series based on super airplanes and a selfless heroic pilot.
"The series was one of the first group of creator-owned titles published by Marvel Comics under the Epic Comics banner. Harris - who wrote, drew and colored the book - brought the character back in a four-part story that ran in Dark Horse Presents," writes Variety.
Heppe and the comic series creator, Ron Harris, have already put together a 50 page outline titled "Crash Ryan and the Eyes of Lemuria", and is described as an "earthbound, steampunk-inspired fusion of Indiana Jones and 'Star Wars.'"
Harris comments:
"'Crash Ryan' is the product of a mishmash of influences: my childhood spent on Navy airbases; the old flying movies and Masked Villain serials I loved on latenight TV, and especially my fascination with predictions of future life made in the 1930s."
"It's an incredible canvas, but what attracted me was the redemption story: a man who can't save himself being tasked with saving the world."
There is no theatrical release date for the movie, nor has it been confirmed if the movie will share a spot in the vast Marvel Cinematic Universe.