Families|July 06, 2015 11:05 EDT
Condoleezza Rice Shines as a Christian Patriot With Rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’; Honors Faith on Independence Day [SEE HERE]
Following in President Obama's footsteps, former secretary of state Condoleezza Rice released a music video of her playing the famous gospel hymn "Amazing Grace" on the piano accompanied by violinist Jenny Oaks Baker.
Rice took to social media with her professional video over fourth of July weekend. "Amazing Grace has always held a special place in my heart. It seemed only appropriate to release the video in conjunction with the 4th of July weekend as we recognize the blessings we have in this country and the sacrifices of our servicemen and women for our freedom," she wrote.
Rice, although appearing a very serious faced patriot, showed her soft side in the video while gracefully stroking the piano keys to the Christian anthem. The video ends with the quote "May the grace of God continue to shine on lovers of freedom everywhere."
Rice has played piano in public since she was a young girl. According to Charismamag.com, she asked for a piano at age three, and it was just hours later that a toddler Rice could play "What a Friend We Have in Jesus," as instructed by her grandmother. Raised in a devout Christian home, Rice has said she has never known a day when she "did not believe in God." Her father, John, was a Presbyterian preacher in Alabama and he and his wife always encouraged Rice to follow her dreams.
See Rice on CBN talking about her solid faith in Jesus Christ.