Trending News|February 18, 2015 02:41 EST
Conan O'Brien News: Late Night Talk Show Host Takes Next Episode To Cuba
Conan O'Brien has recently announced the next location he plans to take viewers in an upcoming episode of his late night talk show.
"Conan O'Brien and a small crew flew to Havana Thursday and have spent the weekend filming for his TBS late-night show's March 4 episode, becoming the first American late-night show to film in Cuba since the U.S. embargo began in 1962," writes Deadline.
This move will make Conan the second host to film a televised segment in Cuba, since Jack Paar interviewed Fidel Castro on The Tonight Show in 1959.
The show host has confirmed the successful day of production with the following tweet:
"I just spent the last four days shooting my show all around the city of Havana. I made countless friends and had one of the best experiences of my life. Many laughs, but that could also be the rum. Watch ?#ConanCUBA March 4th."
Conan has taken full advantage of the president's actions to normalize relations with Cuba, allowing Americans to visit.
The episode will give viewers "a rare glimpse into Cuban daily life."
The episode should air on March 4th.