In the news|August 14, 2015 04:58 EDT
Christians Divided on Hillsong NY's Stance of Homosexuals' Serving in Church [SEE HERE]
Hillsong Church has been the center of much media scrutiny as of late for having an openly gay couple serving in their New York Church and now that both senior Pastor Brian Houston and New York Pastor Carl Lentz have clarified the rumors; Christians find themselves divided on the matter.
In a media release shared on August 4th, Pastor Houston penned a note addressing the salacious rumors about Hillsong New York allowing an openly gay couple to lead the choir. In the note titled 'Hillsong Church Statement by Senior Pastor Brian Houston', he affirmed that Hillsong believes "Marriage is between a man and a woman." Houston also shared a blog that went into more detail. Read that HERE.
Following that, Lentz, the couple in question - "Survivor" cast mates Josh and Reed, and Religion News Service reporter Jonathan Merritt discussed, the controversy in an interview. Lentz wants the LGBT community to understand that they are welcomed at his church.
Josh and Reed were reportedly involved in leadership, but after announcing their engagement were asked to step down and just serve in ministry, but not lead. That sentiment has Christians divided on the matter and they have taken to social media to speak out.
Read some Facebook comments below of people that agree and disagree with Lentz and Hillsong.
"I am a proud minister for God. I'm also a redeemed, forgiven, repentant homosexual. But I know I would never be where I am today if it wasn't for God's forgiveness and the hearts he has filled with love, for me and my situation, that planted seeds in my life. Speak life into people who need repentance, not just the LGBT but all who have lost their way. Plant a seed and watch God bring it to life."
"Every person that goes to church is a sinner in someway! Weather [sic] it's adultery,gossip,alcoholism,lieing,cheating,using Gods name in vain , breaking the commandments,not living the beatitudes etc. gods the judge not us!!! My pastor says if you are perfect you do not need church! God loves Gays too!"
"True Christians love and accept all people"
"Carl Lentz nailed it on the head. Most christians are too worried about the small stuff, but someones life, forget it."
"This is not okay. They are serving in the church (maybe not in a "leadership" role but serving nonetheless) and are still actively living in sin. They are not repenting and allowing Christ to change their hearts. This speaks volumes to people who are on the fence about this issue."
"I understand what he is getting at, I Love Hillsong and our church is part of the Hillsong family. We do need to open our arms and heart to all people who are lost, we need to encourage them and to tell them the truth even if it is not what they want to hear. We do have to be careful that we are not drawn into sin as a result. Like a bad apple in a bowl of fruit it will affect all the apples if it is not removed. If they attend the church they need to refrain from acting in sin with the knowledge that it is wrong."
"If your Church can run with non repentant sinners running it, then you have to question if your really Jesus' Church...Mat 15:7-9"
"The reality and the truth of what is happening are churches are submitting under the pressure of the United States Supreme Court recent decision on "Same Sex Marriages, afraid of the persecution."
What are your thoughts on Hillsong's stance? Leave your comments below. If you would like to read the full RNS article click HERE