BC News|August 11, 2014 10:35 EDT
Christian Rock Band Disciple Confirms September 23 Release Date for 'Attack'; Singer Wants to Proclaim Jesus 'Boldly' with New Record
Christian rock band Disciple announced the release of their newest album Attack for September 23.
Attack is the first new album for the band in two years, and they took to crowd funding to push the record out. The entire line up aside from Kevin Young, the singer and co-founder, is new.
"It's Disciple's best lineup ever," said Young in a press release, "They have the perfect combination of being great players and performers, and are ridiculously talented songwriters. One of my favorite things about these guys is that they have embraced where Disciple has been and love to play the classic songs for our fans, as well as have put every ounce of their souls into trying to take Disciple higher than we've ever been. I think our fans have embraced them for that in return."
Disciple used Travis Wyrick, who produced the first seven albums of the band, and has worked with Pillar, P.O.D., and TobyMac, "I hadn't worked with Travis in six years, but we knew this was going to be a hard, aggressive record. Travis recorded all of our hardest albums and working with him was like going home."
"I wanted to talk about Jesus loudly and without shame," said Young about his newest single "Radical."
He went on to say, "That's why 'Radical' is the first track and our first single. It sets the tone for what we want people to hear. We talk about Jesus openly at every show. We do an altar call. That is who we are and that is what Disciple is called to do, and we hope that people hear the new music and say 'Yeah, now THAT'S Disciple!'"
"We wrote this record as a new band," continued Young, "Attack is the right album title because that's what we did with every song. Every band member contributed in a huge way to this album. Everybody brought songs to the table that we all worked on, and made each other's songs better. It was definitely a well-coordinated attack on all sides."
The album can be pre-ordered using a special download code received on a lanyard. "Radical" can be downloaded here.
Disciple has 10 records since the early 90s, and 14 No. 1 singles.
Attack Tracklisting:
Dead Militia
The Name
Angels and Demons
Yesterday is Over
The Right Time