Trending News|February 25, 2015 02:17 EST
Chris Pratt New Movie News: Actor Responds to Possible 'Indiana Jones 5' Role
It seems that Hollywood can't get enough of Chris Pratt these days, and Steven Spielberg's latest comment about wanting the actor to play Indiana Jones in the next reboot has got people talking.
MTVÂ recently caught Pratt on the red carpet and got the opportunity to get his take on the situation, and to find out if he is even interested in the part, he said:
"It's all nothing until it's something and so far it's not something....I don't think it's overwhelming to contemplate....It'd be cool. No one's called me. (There's) A lot of talk about it. The pressure would come just because it's such a great franchise you wouldn't want to get it wrong, so for me it would have to be perfect to do it. We'll see, like I said it's nothing until it's something."
Pratt seems to know just as much about the situation as the rest of the fans do. So despite the hype around him playing the character, nothing has been confirmed, and the 'Guardians of the Galaxy' actor doesn't want to get anyone's hopes up.
It is however confirmed that Disney and Lucasfilms will move forward with the project, Pratt or no Pratt.
It was also said that Spielberg had interest in directing the project if Pratt was indeed attached to it, so perhaps this could be some motivation for the studio.
Nothing related to a release date has been announced on the film.