Chris Brown News: R&B Star Reflects on His Troubled Past & Upcoming Life Changes via Social Media

Chris Brown made an ordinary day so much more special in posting a lengthy and very thoughtful post on his social media seemingly showing the world that today would be the first day of him changing as he recalled and reflected on his troubled past.

No one knows yet what brought about Brown's sudden reflection which he posted on Instagram recently showing a picture of himself lounging with the beach on his background writing, "I'm Konfuzed, I always thought I knew the concept of love. Fame and Money can get in the way of that. Most of my issues always deal with love and me being in my feelings. Not to mention me being a dog sometimes," he began.

Some have been speculating that it could be just about the recent incident of Brown getting angry at model Tyson Beckford posting a series of messages on Twitter calling out the model for taking a photo with Brown's girlfriend Karrueche Tran, but Brown haven't officially explained what was the reason why he posted this recent dramatic message.

"I can't speak for everyone but I can say that my actions contributed a lot to my karma. Being jealous and angry and controlling. There has been times where I looked in the mirror and hated the person I see. I talk to God a lot now. He's given me so much and I feel like I waste his gifts becuz of my impulsive personality," Brown continued.

Brown also reflected on his past mistakes which reports suggest to be about the girl whom he had a daughter with. "The world is full of negativity and I feel I play a part in it becuz of the choices I've made or mistakes. I tend to accept the negative or the riff raff becuz I know what it's like to be a young black 'n***a' in America. I always see the good in people even when they don't see it," he said.

Brown ended his lengthy social media post in acknowledging the change he is currently trying out, that is, talking to God. "I love others more than myself at times. Everything u see on the surface does not reflect what's inside. This is my white flag. I surrender to life and all its blessings. I refuse to be petty and attention seeking. To know me is to love me. Good Bad UGLY! Sincerely, Konfuzed," he wrote.