Charlie Sheen Illness News: Actor had 'Severe' Case of Food Poisoning, Sent to L.A Hospital

Fans and supporters can now stop panicking about the recent hospitalization of actor Charlie Sheen. Apparently, Sheen had a severe case of food poisoning Tuesday night after ordering some bad clams in Los Angeles. The actor then went to the hospital just to be safe and was home a couple of hours later.

Well, while many thought that it was yet another dramatic hospitalization for the actor, it was actually severe food poisoning. Sheen reportedly ordered a seafood pasta dish take out last night at his L.A. home then a few hours after, went to the hospital as he was food poisoned.

"It was clams, bad clams," Sheen's rep Jeff Ballard said explaining how the actor had "severe case of food poisoning." Sheen's rep helped calm everybody down saying, "Nothing too exciting."

And Sheen just apparently went to the hospital to be sure that he did the right thing to treat it. "Just to be on the safe side, he went to the hospital," Ballard said. "They checked him out, hydrated him and sent him on his way. He was back home in bed 90 minutes later," he added.

Although it has still yet to be determined where Sheen ordered the meal that lead him to the hospital for a few hours suffering severe food poisoning, Sheen is already seemingly getting well as he recently posted on Twitter that he was watching the NBA finals.

No, he didn't tweet anything about his hospitalization but was very concerned with the famous basketball championship series. "King James, plz do (with ure inimitable genius) what 'we' could not do! I respect GS However, they ain't 'YOU' ©," Sheen wrote.

So now everybody knows that Sheen cannot eat clams again or that he is a fan of the Cleaveland Cavaliers or just simply the star player Lebron James.