Trending News|March 31, 2015 09:41 EDT
'Castle' Season 7 Spoilers, Rumors: Series Finale to Focus on Rick's Mysterious Disappearance?
The storyline behind 'Castle' Season 7 Episode 20 titled 'Habeas Corpse,' which aired at 10:00 pm on Monday, March 30, via ABC revolved around the murder of a personal injury attorney. However, the death of the extremely popular lawyer is actually a piece of a larger picture and Beckett and Castle discovered this when they investigated the clients and competitors of the victim, who were possibly responsible for the crime.
According to Christian Today, the episode after 'Habeas Corpse' will focus on Rick as well as his three-month-long disappearance, which has yet to be explained. While it took a a while, fans are certainly happy to get the opportunity to find out about the mystery surrounding the incident of which Rick has no memory of.
Talking to TV Line recently, Seamus Dever, who portrays the character of Detective Ryan in the crime drama television series teased the viewers about the events in the upcoming series, before 'Castle' draws closer to the Season 7 finale.
When asked for some spoilers on the upcoming episodes of 'Castle,' Dever said, "There is, of course, the one that everyone has been hanging on, waiting for, since the beginning of this season," adding, "What happened to Castle? Where did he go for those three months?"
In another interview with TV Line, showrunner David Amann talked about the events that will bring the current season of the series to a close.
Amann revealed, "Obviously, the 150th episode is a milestone for the show, but it also directly precedes the season finale." He went on to add, "At this point, we intend Episode 22 to be a buoyant, classic episode of Castle, while [the finale] will focus on compelling, high-stakes story-telling surrounding Castle and Beckett mythology."
In the meantime, ABC has yet to confirm whether the series will be renewed for Season 8. Only time will tell whether or not fans will see more of Rick and Beckett after the Season 7 finale.