Families|March 05, 2015 03:29 EST
Casting Crowns Frontman Mark Hall Battles Cancer: Michael W. Smith & Others Rally Together and Pray for Healing [VIDEO]

Well beloved worship group Casting Crowns announced on their Facebook page Thursday morning that the band's frontman Mark Hall is battling cancer.
Just days after the group announced that they released their album Glorious Days: Hymns of Faith today, in-stores and at all Cracker Barrel Old Country Stores, lead singer Mark Hall took to social media with a message for prayer that has devastated their fans and friends a like.
"Hey Casting Crowns Family,
I would appreciate your prayers.
Doctors found a solid mass in my right kidney about a week ago. They are 90% sure it's cancer and they are going to remove the entire kidney next Wednesday, March 11th. They believe the cancer is contained in the kidney, which is also a great hope. They will know more once it is out and Pathology can see it.
I'll be in recovery for a month or a little longer because of the surgery. Please pray for healing and for God's peace for my family.
Praising Him in This Storm
Mark Hall"
Immediately messages and prayers for healing began to flood the group's page. Also friends of CC started hash tags and memes to spread the word for prayer. Christian music pioneer Michael W. Smith took to social media as well to plead for prayers.
"Would you please join me in praying for my good friend, Mark Hall (of Casting Crowns) is in a battle with cancer. Praying with great faith for a complete healing!" he wrote.
No further information has been released on Halls condition but watch Hall's video interview below and join us in prayer and in faith for his total healing. For updates follow Hall on Twitter HERE