Families|March 16, 2015 02:51 EDT
Casting Crowns Front Man Mark Hall Finally Out of Hospital After Slow Recovery From Cancer Surgery [UPDATE]
"Praise the Lord!
We are heading home! Wahoo!
Mark turned a corner yesterday and had a good night last night. We think we've figured out how to manage his pain at home.
He had his first meal today since chips and salsa last Monday night. Time to head to the house.
Great to have our Student Ministry Staff help us get home."
Casting Crown fans everywhere were in prayer last week for Mark Hall as he underwent surgery to remove an aggressive cancerous kidney. The lead singer of the band is now in recovery after a successful procedure but is not recuperating as fast as doctors would like.
Melanie took to Facebook with a long post explaining Hall's current status. "We are still in the hospital. Pretty much in the same 'place' we were yesterday. Still working to get his pain under control and his digestive system moving," she wrote, "Doctors are no longer concerned because everything is progressing as it should, just slower than preferred. They say it's just taking his body longer to wake up. Still no definite plan on going home. We are tired but still in good spirits."
Before entering surgery, Hall and his team were not 100% sure if the kidney was in fact cancer but, Melanie went on to explain what doctors discovered once the kidney was removed. See below:
"We have some good news to share! The pathology report is in and the news is just as we expected and also an answer to the prayers we have all prayed.
The pathology report confirms that the tumor was indeed kidney cancer but it was fully encased. The findings of the report confirm that the cancer had not spread to the kidney or anywhere else. Glory Hallelujah!! It was found in the earliest stage possible. For those of you that are more familiar with these type reports, it was labeled stage T1a.
Something else interesting is that it was also determined to be a nuclear level 3 cell type, which is aggressive. What that means is that it was active and ready to go somewhere. This just makes all of this even more of a miracle. I wish that I could explain in words how much of a miracle it was, but it would take too many words. And to be honest, I am too tired.
But let me just say:
1. Casting Crowns is normally never off in March.
2. Mark was not experiencing any symptoms related to this tumor (he was having gastric problems).
3. Doctors do not routinely order CT scans with contrast for physicals.
God was at work in this before we had any idea.
He is good that way.
We are thankful for His mercy and grace. We are thankful that He chose to answer our requests in this way.
I know that not everyone's stories have the desired ending. But I also know that God desires us to trust Him with it all anyway. Even still, He says He will work it all together for our good.
Thank you again for your continued prayers. For us, in this, the war is won but we still have to fight the recovery battle."
Hall found our about the cancer battle just days after the group released their album Glorious Days: Hymns of Faith, in-stores and at all Cracker Barrel Old Country Stores. As the worshiper went into surgery prayers for healing began to flood the group's page. Also friends of Hall started hash tags and memes to spread the word for prayer. Although there is much to be thankful for Hall's battle is not over so continue to keep the beloved singer in your prayers.
See Hall's post to fans right before entering surgery HERE and HERE.