Trending News|March 26, 2015 09:37 EDT
'Captain Marvel' Cast News, Rumors: Marvel Has Already Chosen the Lead Actress for the Upcoming MCU Film?
Marvel has been keeping a lid on their first female led feature film, 'Captain Marvel', but recent news may have possibly revealed the character's entry into the MCU.
It's been rumored that the character will meet up with Captain America after the Avengers disband at the end of 'Age of Ultron'.
Latino Review's El Mayimbe brings this up in a new post with further details on the character's casting. He states:
"RT! HOT #MARVEL #RUMOR ABOUT #CAPTAINMARVEL #SPOILER Apparently, from what I'm being told, the rumor is that the studio has cast the role of Carol Danvers & keeping it top secret. I'm also being told we will first see her in #AVENGERS #AgeofUltron as originally written in previous drafts of the screenplay. In terms of the standalone film, the Marvel brain trust has blocked out the plot & story with the intention of bringing an established writer to write the script. Comic writer Kelly Sue DeConnick wanted to take a crack at writing the screenplay but I'm not sure if she got the gig. Also, I'm told legendary comic writer Jim Starlin, who has a rich history with Captain Marvel is aboard the project as a consultant. All of the above is #UNCONFIRMED so take with grain of salt until further notice but it's within the realm of plausibility."
There haven't been any leaks on who the character will be portrayed by, but it is speculated the character will make it's major debut somewhere in 'Avengers: Age of Ultron'.
Captain Marvel's solo film is scheduled for release on July 6th, 2018.