'Captain Marvel' Cast News: Producer Kevin Feige Says Female Superhero Won't Appear in 'Avengers: Age of Ultron'

While there were many fans awaiting Captain Marvel's debut in 'Avengers: Age of Ultron,' it has been recently revealed that the character was actually cut from the final cut.

In an interview with MTV, producer Kevin Feige offered his reasoning about keeping the anticipated character out this round:

"We didn't want to introduce her fully-formed flying in a costume before you got to know who she was and how she came to be."

Seeing as this would be many people's first time seeing or become familiar with the character, It would kind of serve as an awkward introduction for Marvel's first female superhero.

He does however state that they haven't yet casted an actress to helm the role, and that they are in "early days" of casting for the standalone movie. On that note, Marvel is currently pursuing writers to take on the script for the solo film.

'Captain Marvel' isn't slated for release until 2018, so the studio in theory has plenty of time to come up with the final bits of production.