'Captain America: Civil War' Rumors, News: Spider-Man Fight Scene Will be Dorky?

It was recently reported that actor Tom Holland had finished shooting all of his scenes in for the upcoming 'Captain America: Civil War' movie.

This will be the first film in which viewers will see the next incarnation of Spider-Man on the big screen. It has also been confirmed that most of the scenes involving Spider-Man were shot prior to Holland even being casted with a stunt double.

"It's important here to know that Tom Holland shooting his bit isn't the same as Spider-Man shooting his bit. Spider-Man has been on that set for a while, played by stunt men. All you need Tom Holland for is any Peter Parker scenes, because otherwise he can come into a local recording studio and loop Spidey's dialogue at any point between now and release. Basically if Spidey's mask is off you need Tom Holland, but every other scene happens without him," writes Movies.Birth.Death.

While sources haven't told the outlet how many scenes the character will specifically have, it's suspected to be enough to satisfy audiences. Spider-Man will "get his hands dirty" in 'Civil War, and has been confirmed to have a big fight scene.

"How many scenes will Spider-Man be in? I don't know the exact number, but sources have recently made it clear to me that there's more Spider-Man in this movie than I expected. Spider-Man doesn't just swing by and say hi - gets his hands dirty in this Civil War. He fights. And his fight scene might be the one that really gets fandom excited - not because of how top tier the face-off will be, but because of how profoundly dorky and unlike any other big screen superhero fight it will be," writes Birth.Movies.Death.

'Captain America: Civil War' arrives in theaters on May 6, 2016.