'Captain America 3' Movie News, Rumors: Robert Downey Jr's Iron Man is the 'Civil War' Villain?

In a recent interview with Empire Magazine, actor Robert Downey has opened up about his role in the upcoming 'Captain America: Civil War' movie, as well as his character's standing within the MCU.

With the constant new additions revealed for the third 'Captain America' movie, it's beginning to not only sound like a glorified 'Avengers' film instead of a solo film, but something that will alter the the rest of movies to come from the studio.

When news was announced that Iron Man was to be featured in the new movie, many fans speculated his place within it. Downey had this to say about him coming into the role:

"I'm crazy about Evans. I really am. I don't know why or how to explain this particular kinship we have. By the way, he hasn't called me in six months. Honestly, in order for this whole thing to have worked, I did my part, Hemsworth knocked it out of the stadium and then it fell on Cap. That was the riskiest. It was the one that had the highest degree of difficulty in making it translate to a modern audience. It was the Russos and Chris who, I think, really hit the line drive and won the series. I remember glancing through it going, 'Wow, that's a different way to go'. They said, 'If we have you, we can do this or Cap 3 has to be something else'. It's nice to feel needed."

Many believe that Iron Man will be playing the antagonist in 'Civil War'. The actor clarifies this by saying:

"I wouldn't put it that way. Ultimately it's Steve's story; it doesn't say 'Iron Man 4: Civil War'. I think that's great too. I think Chris [Evans] has been hungry to bring even more of an underside and some shadow to that. I remember the comics - on the surface you got the sense that Cap was baseball and apple pie, but underneath there was all this churning stuff of being a man out of time. Now we know he's made his peace with that. What's the bigger issue? It can have a little something to do with the past, but it can be about someone becoming more modernised in their own conflict."

The full interview is available on the Empire website.