In the news|July 15, 2016 09:55 EDT
Bryan & Katie Torwalt To Launch New Album 'Champion' Later This Month
Husband-and-wife duo Bryan & Katie Torwalt will release their latest album, "Champion" on July 29. Pre-orders are already available and early buyers are promised instant downloads of the songs "Let There Be Light" and "High Above."
The couple admitted that "Champion" took a little bit to finish.
"Longer than we had ever planned but, ultimately we feel like it was the Lord's timing all along," they said in a statement. "The songs have come as we have lived life and grown. We hope that is reflected in this album. We have moved, started a new church with our Jesus Culture family and grown in our love for the Lord and His people."
Katie, for her part, said that the song "Champion" was her own personal anthem because they were writing it while she was gripped with fear and anxiety.
"However, as the album began to take shape and a theme of God's victory and overcoming was in so many songs, we knew it had to be the title track," she added. "We feel with everything that is happening at this time in history, more than ever we want to be declaring the goodness of God and the incredible victory of Christ's death and Resurrection."
Bryan & Katie Torwalt have just concluded the "Let It Echo" tour with Jesus Culture, performing in New York, Houston and Dallas, among other places. They will hit the road again beginning July 16 in Chicago and Miami three days later for the "Worship Night in America" with Chris Tomlin.
To pre-order Bryan and Katie Torwalt's "Champion," click here.