Families|May 29, 2015 10:48 EDT
'Brother's Keeper' Movie Hits Theaters Today and Encourages Audiences to Forgive [TRAILER]
The Christian themed film about the perseverance of two siblings, "Brother's Keeper," hits select theaters with its compelling story of forgiveness and hope.
"The year is 1957. The setting: rural Georgia. But what takes place in this sliver of history is nothing like what you might expect. As twin brothers Pete and Andy approach high school graduation, Pete entertains plans of marrying his sweetheart, Maggie, and heading off to seminary. Meanwhile, his brother Andy, a rebel at heart, has no plans and no direction. Both brothers find their world turned upside down when Pete is thrown in jail... framed for Maggie's murder! Andy struggles to find a way to save his brother from Death Row, concocting a desperate escape plan that shocks his brother and alters both of their futures forever..." reads the movies description.
The film has already garnered praise for the heartfelt storyline and the capable actors.
"This film is a needed project. It demonstrates the true impact of sin, as well as the freeing power of forgiveness. What a moving and touching story. Thank you!" said Kimberly Alexander. Mega pastors Bishop T.D. Jakes said, "When I forgive you, it's not for YOU! It's for ME! My peace, my deliverance, my joy!"
Reserve tickets here.