Bobbi Kristina Brown Latest News, Rumors: Brown Allegedly Unresponsive Despite Claims that She's Awake

In a recent concert in Dallas, Bobby Brown had emotionally announced to the crowd that her daughter had woken up from her 12 week coma. However, Alicia Etheredge-Brown, Bobby Brown's wife, had recently released a statement that might have concluded otherwise.

"My husband made an attempt to correct the negative comments he must endure on a daily basis from both family and the public regarding his daughter's medical condition. He is encouraged by the steps that Bobbi Kristina has made since her hospitalization on January 31, 2015," She says defending her husband's announcement, "She has made it out of ICU, opened her eyes, and started a rehabilitation that will be long and hard."

Furthermore Brown's lawyers supported the couple's claims that "Bobbi Kristina's condition had changed greatly after she was moved from Emory University Hospital and that there are improvements. Doctors have indicated that she will have a long life. However, Bobbi Kristina is presently embarking on a rehabilitation process and the quality of her life will not be known for years to come."

Along with the excitement is a post from Bobbi Kristina's aunt on Facebook taking a positive note despite anonymous reports.

"So many messages,sorry can't answer them all right now but I will get to them later..just allow me this time with my family,,yes,she woke up and is no longer on life support!!!!!:):)God is good!!thanks for your prayers,,still a process,but she is going to be ok:):):):)," Tina Brown responds on her Facebook.

A source told CNN that Bobbi Kristina is not in a coma or is currently sedated. A tracheostomy tube had been placed on a hole on her throat. However, she is still unresponsive and does not have any other neurological responses that indication consciousness. Close family members were able to witness her opening her eyes for a brief moment and suffer seizure.

The Brown's claims on Bobbi Kristina's health have been currently disputed by Houston family saying that she had been in the same state since she had been placed in the hospital, according to TMZ.

Bobbi Kristina had been in coma since January when she was found face down and unconscious in a bathtub at her home in Roswell, Georgia. A few days before the incident, Bobbi Kristina tweeted that she was missing her mom, the late singer Whitney Houston.