In the news|May 26, 2015 11:23 EDT
'Bloodborne' Expansion News: New DLC Expansion Slated to Release This Year
From Software has become known across the world for their development of extremely difficult action Role Playing Games.
Their first was Demon Souls, which was released in 2009, and this year, From released the Victorian epic Role Playing Game, Bloodborne, which earned the both critical and sales success. The game sold one million copies within two weeks of its release.
Because of how difficult the game is, Bloodborne likely has not been beaten by several players, as of yet, and very few have been able to master it.
With all of that in mind, and the fact that the game only made its debut two months ago, it may seem a little bit early to be thinking about new content and expansions.
However, reports from Sony indicate that a Bloodborne expansion is not too far away.
The news comes straight from the President of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida.
Apparently, many people have been asking him about downloadable content for Bloodborne, which is made evident by a recent post to his Twitter account: "So I have been asked by many people if we are making DLC for Bloodborne. I can say... An expansion is coming. More info later this year. :D"
At this point, aside from that tweet, which was posted on May 21st, there is no more information.
It is definitely worth noting that Yoshida described the downloadable content as "an expansion", which means that it may be a large addition to the game.
This does not prove anything, but a big content pack would not be shocking when compared to things that From Software has done previously.