Blake Brockington News: First Transgender Teen Named High School Homecoming King Commits Suicide at Age 18

Just a year after being named the first Transgender High School Homecoming King, 18-year-old Blake Brockington has reportedly committed suicide. It has been confirmed that the police from Charlotte, North Carolina announced it to their local news agency, The Charlotte Observer, who said Brockington has indeed passed away by means of suicide.

Brockington, who previously studied at the University of Carolina at Charlotte was famously known to be inspiring the youth to be themselves as he is the first reported transgendered male to be accepted and even awarded as Homecoming King at his local High School.

Brockington was previously a female during his sophomore year in High school. And when he shifted to being male upon undergoing the usual transgender operation, Brockington reportedly experienced a lot of judgements and peer pressure coming from different people.

In a previous interview with the local LGBT newspaper called QNotes, Brockington tried to inspire others saying, "I honestly feel like this is something I have to do. Nobody should be scared to be themselves, and everybody should have an equal opportunity to have an enjoyable high school experience," he said.

Brockington also revealed the hardest part of his transformation, as he was rejected by his birth family. "That was single-handedly the hardest part of my trans journey," Brockington, who lived with a foster family before his death, said, "Really hateful things were said on the Internet. It was hard. I saw how narrow-minded the world really is," he added.

Brockington's death was unfortunately not the first one in a similar case like him. Although it's still unknown why the 18-year-old suddenly took away his own life, there had been many reported instances of transgendered teens committing suicide.

Apparently, Brockington's death was the 6th reported suicide of transgendered teens. According to Trans Lifeline co-founder Greta Gustava Martela, "It looks to me like the five reported suicides of trans people in the first three months of 2015 [including 23-year-old Eyelul Cansin in Turkey] have more to do with an uptick in reporting around trans suicide than an actual increase in the number of trans people taking their lives," she reportedly said.