'Blade 4' New Movie News: Wesley Snipes Speaks About Appearing in the MCU

While many people accredit Marvel for bringing their properties to life through a very successful medium, many forget what the studio produced before the insurgence of the MCU came through.

Despite what many may know, the 'Blade' franchise starring Wesley Snipes was an adaptation from Marvel Comics. While the series came out with its last movie in 2004, mostly because of the actor's legal troubles and hiatus from acting, Snipes has come forward in a recent interview to speak on the franchise and the current MCU.

In speaking with Deadline, Snipes spoke of continuing the series:

"The project is controlled by Marvel and we did have a really productive and a wonderful meeting and we discussed a number of things. I don't know where it's on their schedule at this point, that hasn't been decided. I guess it's still up in the air."

He then speaks of the possibility of joining the MCU:

"That's a possibility too. I've always been a fan of these pieces and adaptations and I'd be nice to be a part of the family again. But if we don't to aBlade 4 or something else with Marvel, we'll do something else. We have some other characters and some other concepts that are going to be just as exciting and hopefully just as successful. The first season of The Player will be interesting as well because we have drama and action, which is what I like. It gives me a chance to do a number of different things."

Its important to note now that since the MCU has expanded to television, Snipes could appear in the various Netflix series set to appear.