Trending News|January 11, 2016 06:20 EST
BlackBerry Priv Review: Features, Specs, What You Should Know
The Canadian Telecommunication BlackBerry seems to bring something new in the smart phone industry this holiday season. In partnership with AT&T, both are now pushing the idea of renewing the mobile phone's features as it will bring one to a faster life of telecommunication and other services.
According to Crackberry, BlackBerrythis time offers an improved camera with its "low- light image quality" that enables one to capture a natural look of the image.
In confidence they added that other camera features were added to enhance the speed of the camera. Being a Schneider-Kreuznach certified, surely it can be trusted when it comes to selfie moments.
On the other hand, the report also stated that BlackBerry was able to fix the old issue of them being known to produce a non- friendly smart phone due to its complicated features.
Given the problem, the company reassured that with BlackBerry Priv, adjustment was done to make it more user's friendly by resolving the "crashing and freezing instances" as complaint before.
Aside from the improvement done with regards to BlackBerry Priv's features and specs, AT&T would like to settle other features in Google Play for availability and updates.
Updates will include the availability of filter camera, language support, Hub & Contact app, What app, and DTE. Each app intends to support the smart phone for reliability's sake.
Meanwhile, with its long lasting 3410 mAh battery as featured in US.Blackberry website, surely Priv is suited for heavy users, especially when one is on a travel.