'Big Bang Theory' Season 8 Finale Recap: Sheldon's Big Move for Amy Stopped in its Tracks

The eighth season finale of The Big Bang Theory aired last Thursday, and there was a lot of romantic tension in it.

For those that may not know, the two biggest relationships in the show are, Sheldon and Amy, played by Jim Parsons and Mayim Bialik, respectively, and Leonard and Penny, played by Johnny Galecki and Kaley Cuoco Sweeting.

The episode was called "The Commitment Determination," and showcased some serious conclusions for its fan base.

Sheldon and Amy butt heads when Sheldon started talking about "The Flash," while the pair was kissing to celebrate their five year anniversary.

Amy pointed out that Sheldon could not decide whether or not to watch the show, and seemed more concerned with making that decision than helping their relationship to progress.

Sheldon sought out help from Leonard and Penny, and they took Amy's side, saying that he was taking things slow.

Sheldon replied by saying that they had the same problem, since they still had not chosen a date for their wedding.

This motivated Leonard and Penny to drive to Las Vegas and have their wedding right away.

On the way there, Leonard confessed to Penny that he had kissed someone while he was away on a research trip a few years earlier, and Penny became suspicious that he was trying to sabotage their wedding plans.

Meanwhile, Sheldon called Amy on Skype, hoping that he would be able to work things out.

However, Amy told him that she would need some space to figure things out.

This upset Sheldon, as he was planning to propose, which he revealed when he pulled a ring out after the break up.