Trending News|October 23, 2013 03:44 EDT
Betty White Spoofs Miley Cyrus in "Wrecking Ball" Video for "Off their Rockers" Promo Video. "Off Their Rockers" Season Premiere. LIVE VIDEO
Famous for her hit Tv shows "Golden Girls" and "Off Their Rockers", the award-winning actress, Betty White has spoofed Miley Cyrus yet again on her new "Wrecking Ball" music video. Betty still shows the public that she has 'it', while she rocks the "Wrecking Ball" video in a white jumpsuit as she swings through brick walls promoting her new season of "Off Their Rockers". The television show that features Betty White amongst friends constantly pranking strangers, is headed to the Lifetime Network instead of NBC.
"I got some ideas from recent pop culture events that really got the kids talking," White says, regarding her new promotional video. During the video, Betty strattle the wrecking ball, as did Miley, as she swings back and forth through walls with a incredibly scared look on her face. When it comes times for the infamous french-kiss with the sledgehammer, Betty opts out for a more classy one-peck kiss on to sledgehammer. Trying to keep up with the pop star's new and improved music videos, Betty even asks for a foam finger to finish the deal as the music video promo comes to an end.
Betty White's comedy-sketch tv show "Off Their Rockers" is on their third season where the group of elderly people set out on the town to use their age to prank the most gullable people. The hidden camera reality tv show has gotten qyuite the ratings the past two season calling it, " A hilariously prank tv show, that is widely unexpected." The tv show gives a new look on senior citizens, as Betty and her group of friends pull the most innocent pranks on people. Why? Because their Golden Years are just beginning as they scare the crap out of young people. "Off Their Rockers" starts on the LifeTime Network Wednesday at 9/8c. The "Wrecking Ball" Betty White video is below.