In the news|March 18, 2015 04:52 EDT
‘Better Call Saul’ Season 1 Episode 7 Recap: Series Zooms in on the Story of Jimmy McGill in 'Bingo'
The 'Better Call Saul' story continues as it makes its way into the hearts of viewers and keeps them coming back for more. The latest episode, the seventh one in the first season, titled "Bingo," gave viewers a closer look at Jimmy's story.
Mike did not make it easy for Jimmy last week as he continues to leave Jimmy in the dark over everything. However, Jimmy's elder law business is becoming successful. So successful that he considers buying office space for both him and desired partner Kim.
While Jimmy shows Kim the office, she explained to him that while it is an amazing space, she can't turn her back on the people she feels loyal to, the people at Hamlin, Hamlin and McGill (HHM). Even if she is loyal to them, that means she has to deal with the Kettlemans.
The Kettlemans do not like to cooperate with Kim, even though she offers them a deal with the DA that spares them a trial but will mean some jail time and returning the cash. The Kettlemans strategy is to lure Jimmy to help them clear their name.
Their plan backfires as Jimmy asks Mike to help him break into their house and steal the cash, which is then returned to the DA's office. The Kettlemans end up taking Kim's deal, but that means giving up Jimmy's money that would have bought him his fancy office.
Jimmy returns to the office for one last look. He ends up throwing a tantrum, kicking things and slamming doors uncontrollably. Afterward he gains his composure to take a phone call in his fake British accent, proving to the audience that despite all his hardships in the episode, he is willing to keep his dream afloat.
"Better Call Saul" airs on Mondays at 10/9c on AMC.