Trending News|April 21, 2015 10:10 EDT
Ben Affleck News: Actor Allegedly Asks PBS to Omit his Slave Owning Ancestors from Report
Recent news from a leaked email reveals some details about actor Ben Affleck's family history that he prefers to keep under wraps.
On the PBS show, 'Finding Your Roots,' it is the goal to uncover the ancestry of famed celebrities. Affleck was featured on an episode in October, and while many notable things of his family's past came to light, it is inferred that he requested the network not release the fact that his family owned slaves.
"In the email, 'Finding Your Roots' host Henry Louis Gates Jr. emailed Sony Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton for advice regarding the request, the New York Daily News reported. In the email dated July 22, 2014, Gates wrote, 'For the first time, one of our guests has asked us to edit out something about one of his ancestors -- the fact that he owned slaves'," writes Huffington Post.
While they did take the segment out of the episode, Lynton suggested that it would look bad on the actor's and the show's part if the information ever got leaked.
The network has since released a statement addressing the leak of their company's emails:
"We vehemently disagree with WikiLeaks' assertion that this material belongs in the public domain and will continue to fight for the safety, security, and privacy of our company and its more than 6,000 employees."