Trending News|January 08, 2016 05:50 EST
'Battlefield 4' Legacy Operations Launched With Its Newest Map, DLC Goes Live
The action packed game that started in Microsoft Windows and OS X offers a new series called the "Battlefield 4 Legacy Operations" with its newest features this time. With DLC backing up for the advancement of the game by going live, surely fans would want to grab a whole action animated game.
The Store.Xbox reported that the Battle field developer EA Gaming and Technology aimed to provide a massive adrenalin rush thrilled kind of a feeling to the gamers by providing a classical map called "Dragon Valley 2015". EA would want to reinvent a visually creative imagination with the use of the map as it is shown in a high visual effect.
In addition to the report, the adventure was described with the Dragon Valley Map as nothing to be compared with any other game, as a huge yellow dragon will help the king in crossing the flood water sea using the map.
The newest version of Battlefield 4 provides more challengeable obstacles, as one must survive a terrain, elevated peaks, cloud layer and life threatening buildings.
However, one need not to worry about the game's newest hindrances as EA provides some tactical strategy to destroy bridges that stop the protagonist of the game to advance to another level.
Meanwhile, if the player intends to be in an infantry player mode game, it is expected that one must have the ability to survive the hard core level of the game called "Team Death Match" in the north point area of the map.