'Battlefield 1' News: New Clip Further Leaks Gameplay Using Tanks, Planes

Fans are again treated with new news from the battlefront as EA dropped another behind-the-scenes videoclip on the "Battlefield 1."

This time, the teases focused on the tanks and planes introduced in World War I that forever changed the way wars are fought and won. However, the Zeppelin and the battleships were not shown in the clip.

The focus on the planes and tanks has a good reason and multiplayer producer Andreas Morell will tell you why. In the video he says, "We want it to be a big, physical, brutal beast that essentially dominates the battlefield, and you should be scared of it."

Players get to pilot these vehicles of war, but they need to take some lessons in flying the plane or driving the tank. However, they could quickly turn the tide of war if they can master not just the vehicles, but their environment as well.

Senior producer Aleksandar Grøndal told Polygon that the tanks, planes and other beasts of war will give an interesting insight into how wars were fought back when armament technology was still in its infancy stage.

"This is kind of where the old way of war was destroyed and a new sort of war was created," he said.

According to multiple news reports, "Battlefield 1" will be simultaneously released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and Windows PC on Oct. 21. Owners of Xbox get a special treat as they can start to get their hands on the game on Oct. 31 under the EA Early Access.