Trending News|July 09, 2016 11:21 EDT
‘Battlefield 1’ News: Gamble To Go Old-School Worked Out; Closed Alpha Started?
While EA took a risk in making "Battlefield 1" go back to WW I, the positive fan reception has proved that the gamble worked.
Laura Miele, chief at EA global publishing, said in an interview with Games Industry that they were apprehensive at first about coming out with a game that is markedly different than all the shooter titles in the market today.
"We took a risk on this," she said. "We zigged when the market was zagging in shooters." Nevertheless, EA was pleased by how the market received the game.
She said that going back to WW I for "Battlefield 1" was logical on so many levels.
"When you think about the major pillars of a Battlefield game--big, large, epic scale battles, massive vehicles, super diverse gaming tactics," she explained. "The WW1 backdrop was actually a perfect place for us to map those pillars to that setting."
In terms of gameplay, the WW I offers plenty of options since the war began with soldiers on horseback and "ended with people on tanks."
Meanwhile, in other news, the "Battlefield 1" closed alpha can reportedly be accessed now for Xbox One, PS4 and PC.
The announcement reads:
"Help us Test Battlefield," the announcement said. "Experience the dawn of all-out war in the Battlefield 1 Closed Alpha. Jump in and test out the St. Quentin Scar, one of the maps available in the game."
According to the news reports, "Battlefield One" will launch on PS4, Xbox One and PS4 on Oct. 21. The beta version, however, will be released in the summer.