Trending News|September 08, 2016 07:50 EDT
'Battleborn' News & Update: Game Adds Two New Characters, Ernest And Kid Ultra
Gearbox has released two new characters for "Battleborn's" DLC and they are Ernest and Kid Ultra.
According to Gearbox's official webpage, Ernest, a pink hen sporting a military suit, is available for players who have the "Battleborn" Season Pass and Digital Deluxe version. Players may use their Double Credits and unlock the charater for 47,500 in-game credits.
As per the publication, players can unlock Ernest by going to the Command Menu and using the hero key. The game's 28th character is set to come out on Sept. 1 and his arrival comes with a UPR loot packs by half until Aug. 29.
On the other hand, Kid Ultra is the game's 29th character. According to PlayStation Lifestyle, he has a support role, such as buffing and healing his allies. As per the publication, the character is the "pinnacle of support technology" and along with buff and heal abilities, he can also subdue the opponents.
Kid Ultra is also set to be part of the game's Season Pass and just like Ernest, players can unlock him with the key included in the said pass. The character is also worth 47,500 in-game credits. At the point, Gearbox is yet to reveal details on Kid Ultra's abilities and his final release date. It is assumed that new information will arrive after a month or two.
In the meantime, players are set to focus with Benedict, with Gearbox's new in-game fixes, which include Benedict's rocket launcher initial reload speed boost and left helix augment Ready Rockets reload speed.
Players can expect game fixes to come out every Thursday at 12 p.m. PT.