In the Battle for Christmas, Jesus Reigns: Survey Shows Most Americans Believe in Virgin Birth [SEE HERE]


The war on Christmas seems to be failing in America according to a new Pew Research Center survey. Reportedly, 73% of Americans believe in the biblical Christmas story.

According to the survey's breakdown, 81% say Jesus was laid in a manger, 75% say that the three wise men brought him gifts of frankincense, gold and myrrh, and 74% say that an angel announced his birth to the shepherds. Pew also reports that 65% of Americans believe that the four key elements of the Christmas account literally happened.

pew survey
Even some non-Christians believe in some aspects of the biblical accounts. Among people who are not affiliated with any religion, 21% believe all these events took place, and 37% believe at least one (but not all) of them occurred.

Pew also asked Americans whether or not they cared if a nativity was displayed on government establishments, and 72% of Americans say nativity scenes should be allowed on government property. Reportedly, 44% say nativity scenes should be allowed even if symbols from other religious faiths are prohibited.

pew survey

The analysis of the reports are based on telephone interviews conducted Dec. 3-7, 2014. 1,507 adults were surveyed, 18 years of age or older, living in all 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia.

View the full survey HERE