Trending News|May 18, 2015 04:05 EDT
'Batman v Superman' Spoilers, Rumors: Villain Doomsday Rumored to Appear in Upcoming Film?
Some very exciting news regarding the highly anticipated 'Batman V Superman' film has been suggested in a recent 'Shanlian on Batman' podcast.
Latino Review's El Mayimbe revealed that Batman and Superman will have their hands tied with another villain in this action-packed thriller. This would be none other than the longtime Superman nemesis Doomsday.
"Gonzalez compared the super villains' role in the film to what Darth Vader served as in Star Wars. The Dark Lord of the Sith was the muscle to Grand Moff Tarkin, who Mayimbe considers to be the main villain since he was the brains behind the Death Star. Similarly, Doomsday will be Dawn of Justice's muscle, while Lex Luthor will serve as the film's main villain, which we've already known about for awhile," writes Cinema Blend.
As to who will be voicing or mo-capping the titular villain is yet to be revealed, but Mayimbe also went on to say that he hears the live action portrayal looks incredible.
The beast like villain would definitely be a spectacle to see on the big screen. His duels with Superman in the comic books are some of the most coveted moments in the series.
"In the comics, Doomsday was the creation of an alien scientist who was attempting to create the perfect weapon. Forced to survive the cruel conditions on prehistoric Krypton, this creature slowly adapted to its surroundings and became more powerful, to the point where he was able to eventually kill his creator and escape the planet. After rampaging across the universe, Doomsday arrived on Earth and brutally fought Superman in the streets of Metropolis in the Death of Superman storyline. As the story's title suggests, Doomsday was successful in murdering the Kryptonian, though he also perished during the battle because the two aliens were equally powerful," writes Cinema Blend.
On that note, the action-packed movie is slated for release on March 25, 2016.