'Batman V Superman' Rumors, Spoilers & News: Joker's True Origin to Be Revealed?

Thanks to the official trailer for 'Batman V Superman,' fans now believe that the fate of Batman's fateful sidekick Robin will be death in this film's continuity, however a new intriguing rumor about the character has recently been stirred.

According to closer analysis of both the still of the Robin costume and Jared Leto's shirtless Joker, there are matching shoulder injuries on both. This has led speculators to believe that the Joker may in fact be Batman's former protege.

While far-fetched, this storyline has been entertained in Frank Miller's 'The Dark Knight Strikes Again,' a comic book series that Zack Snyder is drawing inspiration from.

"If the injuries do match, it suggests that Jared Leto's character was once Robin, until something terrible happened. It's an alluring theory, as it combines many of the traits people have come to expect from architect Snyder's superhero adaptations, which are often defined by their somber grandiosity and commitment to fan-favorite storylines. Losing his partner to evil would be exactly the sort of in-story failure that haunted Batman, and would make for a creative side-step and solution to preserving (and not competing with) the legacy of Heath Ledger's Joker, who could remain an offscreen "original" Joker in the minds of moviegoers," writes CBR.

There are also other various clues littered throughout the trailer, such as Jeremy Irons' Alfred line, "20 years in Gotham, how many good guys are left? How many stayed that way?"

This would indeed be a twist if it came to be true, and might denounce the rumor that Snyder's son will be portraying a young Robin.

'Batman V Superman' hits theaters on March 25, 2016.