'Batman v Superman' New Trailer News: Zack Snyder Releases 'Dawn of Justice' Promo [VIDEO]

Some very exciting news has emerged regarding a first look at the anticipated 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' film.

According to Latino Review's El Mayimbe, Warner Bros. will be releasing a short teaser trailer of the movie on Thursday, April 16th, while providing a special opportunity to see the full trailer in theaters on Monday.

The full trailer will reportedly also be linked to Marvel's 'Avengers: Age of Ultron.' He states this in his more recent Instagram post:

"RT! HUGE #BatmanvSuperman RUMOR! Zack Snyder at 9am on Thursday, an hour before the start of Star Wars celebration will tweet the first five seconds of the new #BatmanvSupermanDawnofJustice trailer on his Twitter. You will then be able to sign up to view the full trailer in a theater on Monday April 20th. Also, the trailer will in fact be in front of prints of #AVENGERS #AGEOFULTRON! BOOM! #dc #marvel"

The British Board of Film Classification has recently come forward to confirm the rumors on the full trailer, stating that it will be coming soon, and that it is also classified class 12a.

"These classifications usually comes just weeks, if not days, before a trailer releases. This would seem to backup rumors of a trailer teaser for the film releasing tomorrow, with instructions on how to see the full trailer in a theater on April 20," writes ComicBook.