‘Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' Leaked Spoilers, News: Photos of the Batwing Emerge Online?

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has had to cope with a lot of leaks since it began production. The leak of the trailer, led to the official trailer being released earlier than originally planned, and the script has been leaked more than once as well.

Recently, there has been a full color image of Ben Affleck in the new bat suit released. Batman v Superman has already finished with production, so this is not shocking.

At the same time, the film will not be released for another year, so DC and Warner Bros. are probably not too pleased with this leak.

Now, thanks to El Mayimbe, there is news of yet another leak, this time allowing fans to get an extremely detailed look of the new Batwing that will be featured in the film.

The picture of the aircraft, which is posted on Instagram, via Umberto Gonzales' page, appears to have a very simple and sleek design, that goes hand in hand with the design of the Batmobile.

The most classic version of the Batwing appeared in Batman (1989), in which it was shaped like the Bat Symbol. In Batman Forever, the Batwing had the ability to turn into a boat.

Finally, The Dark Knight Rises had "The Bat," which was not exactly the Batwing, but the closest that the Dark Knight films came to portraying it.

There was a very brief look at The Batwing in the recently released trailer, showing the aircraft firing explosive projectiles at bad guys, which upset fans because Batman has a no killing policy.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice will be in theaters on March 25th, 2016.