'Batman: The Telltale Series' Release Date News: Game Gets Digital Q3 Release; Sneak Preview At 2016 SDCC

New details on the release date of "Batman: The Telltale Series" game have surfaced. As per reports, the title is set to come out in the third quarter of 2016.

"Batman: The Telltale Series" is set to come out as a digital version in August, as per the Telltale Games' official website. According to the website, the physical version of the series is set to be released in North America on Sept. 13 and in Europe on Sept. 16.

It is further revealed that the North American game release is set to be a special Season Pass Disc, which covers the first of the season's five episode. Moreover, the Season Pass Disc is bound to let players access the remaining four episodes as they surface online for download via updates.

Fans who are attending the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con are set to have a special treat from Telltale Games. As per the report, they are bound to be the very first to witness the first episode of "Batman: The Telltale Series" at a crowd play event, which will be done on the big screen prior to its release to the market.

In line with the San Diego Comic-Con, fans will be able to meet and greet Troy Baker, who voices Bruce Wayne, together with host Greg Miller and some of the Telltale crew, in a night of fun and excitement. Also, giveaways may be given, since the crowed will be asked to participate on-screen.

For further information, fans can register for the crowd play event by sending an e-mail to Telltale Games.

Telltale Games' "Batman: The Telltale Series" is set to be initially released in August. Check out more details here.